Sunday, November 9, 2008

So I Went to Church Today...

I was feeling rather depressed this weekend, so I decided to go to church with my roommate. Even though I am an atheist, I went partly to have a new experience and partly because I am so tired of hanging around my dorm. Plus, it feels good to pretend that there is a purpose to your life, that there is an omnipotent God who is concerned about your welfare, if even for an hour or so. This was a big Protestant evangelical church - not quite a megachurch, but almost. I've never been in one of those before. Everything there was big and shiny and clean. It was a huge contrast to the dingy catholic churches that I've been used to. They had huge tv screens on which they displayed the lyrics for the songs and the Bible verses on which the day's sermon was based. They had a huge chorus and a group of people playing guitars, drums, and harmonicas. Everyone there seemed really happy and enthusiastic. I really enjoy these people, even though I know that their faith is misplaced.

I asked Quint if he was a Calvinist, and he didn't know what I meant by the term. I was slightly surprised, since I took a look at the Bible that he reads and it is says it is "Reformed." Religious labels don't mean as much as they used to, since everyone these days is slowly (albeit subconsciously, in most cases) realizing that all religion is bullshit, and therefore it doesn't do any good to argue about theology.

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